About SeniorWeb
The mission of SeniorWeb is to stimulate participation and self-development of all seniors in the digital society. SeniorWeb encourages everyone who was not brought up with the computer to experience the possibilities of the computer and internet for themselves. An important premise is that this should be carried out for and by senior citizens.

SeniorWeb has a clear website with information and advice. The website www.seniorweb.nl is an ideal starting point for a journey of discovery through the World Wide Web (www) and a safe harbour to return to. Here visitors can find news, educational advice and links to interesting subjects about all the opportunities that offer computer and internet. The website has also many interactive features; an important role is reserved for visitors of the site. For example, they can attend online courses, participate in photo competitions and ask for help. Each year, 13 million people visit the site.
SeniorWeb volunteers give courses throughout the country at over 500 educational centers, understandable and affordable for everyone. These volunteers not only give lessons but often take full responsibility locally for the organisation of an educational centre. For this reason we prefer to call them Ambassadors, of whom there are now 2.800 active in the whole country. Most of the teachers are seniors. They too, did not acquire a knowledge of computers at their mother’s knee. As a result they understand the problems and needs of late beginners as none other. In addition to educational activities volunteers provide a computer helpdesk by internet and telephone or they offer technical support at home.
One of the most important aims of SeniorWeb is to further the participation and self-development of all senior citizens in the information society. SeniorWeb has grown to 151.000 members who pay a membership fee of 40 Euro for one year (price 2025). Members of SeniorWeb have access to separate parts of the website. They make use of the helpdesk by internet, telephone and ask for help at home. They can attend online courses and receive the quarterly magazine Enter. Finally they receive discounts from certain partner organisations.
For more information please contact:
P.O. Box 222
3500 AE Utrecht
The Netherlands